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Overview of free online malware analysis sandboxes

 ·   ·  ☕ 3 min read

This page contains a list of freely accessible online malware sandboxes and analytical platforms that I currently find most useful, along with a short overview of their capabilities. The list is (and it is meant to be) non-exhaustive, but if you know of any sandbox which is not mentioned but offers interesting features, feel free to let me know about it.

If you’d like to use the table in a presentation or share it on some other site, there is a PNG version bellow to make it easier.

Current version: 1.9 (3​/2023)

Name Interactive OS Max. runtime duration Max input size File number limits URL submission API access Requires registration Note
Amnpardaz SandBox XP SP2 Not specified 20 MB Not specified Requires an e-mail address for each analysis
Any.Run W7 32bit 300 seconds 16 MB
CAPEv2 Sandbox W7 32bit
W7 64bit
Not specified 30 MB Limits for API use * Offers PCAP analysis as well
Hatching Triage W7 64bit
W10 64 bit
macOS 10.15 64 bit
Ubuntu 18.04 64 bit
Linux MIPS
Android 9 32 bit
Android 10 64 bit
Android 11 64 bit
1800 seconds No limit * 1 GB+ file sizes supported
Hybrid Analysis W7 32bit
W7 64bit
W10 64bit
Ubuntu 16.04 64 bit
Ubuntu 20.04 64 bit
Android (static analysis only)
360 seconds 100 MB Limits for API use Registration required for API use
Intezer Analyze N/A N/A 16 MB 10 files per month * Analysis of multiple executable and document file types
* Performs very complex static analysis
* Dynamic analysis performed by CAPE
IRIS-H Digital Forensics N/A N/A 10 MB Not specified * Analysis of malicious documents (Office formats, PDFs and LNKs)
* Not a "true" sandbox - only static analysis, but worth mentioning
VirusTotal Unspecified N/A 650 MB Limits for API use * Automated multisandbox analysis of submitted samples
Overview of free online malware analysis sandboxes

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